Newsletter Normandy - October 2018


Good afternoon,

We are pleased to send you our October 2018 Newsletter, to give you information about the events in Normandy!

This month you may enjoy:

- La FĂȘte du Sirop
- Bayeux-Calvados Award for war correspondents
- Image (films & photos) Festival
- The Photos Festival Planche(s) Contact
- Nordik Impact Music Festival
- The Scallop Festival
- Prawn and fishing Fair
- Norman Donkeys competition
- Mange ta Soupe Festival
- La FĂȘte du Karting
- Les Elles de L'Orne all-female walk/race


You may find this newsletter in our website.


For more events in Normandy,
you can have a look at the Official Normandy Tourist Board website
