Newsletter Normandy - August 2019


Good afternoon,

We are pleased to send you our August 2019 Newsletter, togive you information about the events in Normandy! This month you may enjoy:

• The tree of lights

• Cheese festival

• Medieval festival

• Mont-St-Michel bay crossing

• Jazz en Baie music festival

• 50 years of the first step on the moon

• Tatihou Music Festival

• Theatre le chant du cygne

• Street event

• The "vide greniers"

• Night market

• Diner on the digue

• Festival of the beach

• Normandy horse show

• The work sailing festival

• Sliding weekend

• Festival of the sea 

You may find this newsletter in our website.


For more events in Normandy,
you can have a look at the Official Normandy Tourist Board website
